24/7 Emergency 0413 2297800
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Trusted By

2Million People

Best Hospital


Number #1

Hospital in Puducherry


Our Doctors


The Hospital has Emergency Casualty ward to assess & treat patients in emergency and trauma. Due to the unplanned nature of patient attendance, our casualty department provide initial treatment for a broad spectrum of illnesses and injuries, some of which may be life-threatening and require immediate attention.

The services that are provided in an emergency department can range from simple x-rays and the setting of broken bones to those of a full-scale trauma center. A patient’s chance of survival is greatly improved if the patient receives definitive treatment in the emergency casualty ward within one hour of an accident or onset of acute illness (such as a heart attack). This critical time frame is commonly known as the “golden hour”.

Our emergency departments operate 24 hours a day and this department is the entry point in the ground floor of the hospital.

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