24/7 Emergency 0413 2297800
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2Million People

Best Hospital


Number #1

Hospital in Puducherry


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Obstetrics deals with pregnancy and at our hospital we believe that the most important event in the history of a family is welcoming a new member into it. Gynaecology deals with diseases of women and we believe that the woman is the backbone of the family and should be cared for. The department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology is very vibrant. Equipment in the department is the latest and the technology is the ‘cutting edge’ in this field. We cater to all the obstetric women and have a special High Risk Obstetric clinic. Fetal monitoring is done by 4D ultrasound machines that are the flagship models of the company. The department has the very latest suites for child birth which helps in family bonding. Every need of the mother and child can be met at the Hospital. We welcome you to come to the hospital and experience the warm ambience and the tender loving care for mother and child.

Our OBGYN department offers hi-tech treatment for infertility, to provide the best of available to Women. Being entrusted with the noble duty of providing for and protecting life from its very beginning, woman faces a lot of unique challenges. She needs the most sophisticated and extremely delicate care, as she is the one who maintains humanrace, and we provide this care in the bestway.

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